Club Affiliation is where your club is formally part of the British Radio Car Association. The Club – and all its members - join the association, thereby ensuring that everybody is part of the Association and receives the appropriate benefits. The Association is purely its members, there is no other holding body, we are – collectively - it.


The reason club affiliation exists is to ensure that everybody competing at a club has Public Liability Insurance in place, both as a competitor and as an organiser (see the notes on Insurance to see why this last bit is vitally important) However in Addition:- It has the effect of identifying the club as a separate entity from its members, so if there is an incident the resulting paperwork can be issued to the ‘XYZ Model Car Club’ and not in the name of the Club Chairman or the person who was running the meeting at the time. This last point can be very worrying for people when legal documents land on the doormat with their name all over it and can impact on things like their ability to get finance while the case is going on, being that little bit to one side can be a much more comfortable place to be. You will therefore receive a membership card in the name of the club – this is Important, keep it with your other club documents. 


Q -Do all our Club officials need to be Members?

A - Yes – unless your RC Club is part of a larger organisation such as a town Sports Club, in which case the officials of the RC Car Committee will do.

Q - What about Visitors?

A - Newcomers to the SPORT are permitted 3 visits to your club before they need to join; experienced racers from other nearby clubs MUST be members to race with you.

Q – We want to go to the local town show is this OK?

A – Perfectly; the membership cover is for the person as well as the club so it’s fully transportable and covers public displays too.

Q – I want to race at another club, do I need to join them?

A – Not from a BRCA point of view No, your BRCA membership travels with you, but that Club may insist you join it; that is their choice.